RSA exit from Personal Lines Business
You may have heard or read in the press that RSA have announced that they are exiting from all personal lines in the UK. This announcement follows the sale by RSA of their MORE THAN Home and Pet businesses to Admiral.
Cavere have had a great relationship with RSA since 2015 and they have been the principal underwriter behind the Cavere Home insurance product used by you and many of our other brokers, we will be sorry to see them leave the market.
I am writing to inform you not just about this decision, but also to reassure you that in the short term nothing will change and we will continue to accept new business and invite renewals underwritten by RSA.
Cavere are contracted with RSA until June 2025 but it is likely we will start to migrate new business and existing policies to alternative capacity on a phased basis from the second half of the year.
We are working to ensure the transition is as seamless as possible for you and your existing policyholders.
We already have a comparable 5 star rated product with Ageas and many of you already use this for your flood risks where it is backed by FloodRe, but we are also in negotiations with other insurers to make sure we continue to provide alternative fallback capacity and ensure you and your customers have access to the best quality cover and service in your chosen markets.
We will of course notify you specifically when the change affects your agency, and in good time for you to inform your advisors and wider teams.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.