RSA exit from Personal Lines buisness in the UK

We wrote to you earlier this year to let you know that RSA had announced they were exiting from all personal lines in the UK following the sale of their MORE THAN Home and Pet businesses to Admiral.

We said we would let you know when this would affect your agency with us. I can now confirm that the Cavere Home insurance policy, underwritten by RSA, will be withdrawn for new business on the 1st November 2024. Any quotes made prior to this date will still be honoured for up to 60 days from the quote date and applications may be submitted with start dates up to 60 days in advance.

The Cavere Home Insurance policy underwritten by Ageas will continue as normal and any RSA policies currently on risk with RSA will be renewed to Ageas as they fall due after 31st December 2024.

Policies that fall due for renewal prior to the 31st December will be renewed to either RSA or Ageas, whichever insurer offers the lowest premium. This process has already commenced.

We are currently in the process of introducing a replacement for the RSA capacity and we will update you further of the planned launch in the new year.

If you need to familiarise yourself or your advisors on the cover provided by the Ageas underwritten product please see our website at

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact myself or any member of the team.

Please share this information with your teams internally.